In AI We Trust?

Kay Firth-Butterfield is a leader in AI governance. Her deep and wide-ranging experience as an entrepreneur, barrister, judge, and now as Head of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and member of the Executive Committee at the World Economic Forum, has established Kay as an internationally recognized expert on the subject. Her numerous titles and awards include being featured in the New York Times as one of 10 Women Changing the Landscape of Leadership. In this episode, Miriam Vogel interviews her co-host, Kay Firth-Butterfield on her long-time commitment to exploring how humanity can equitably benefit from new technologies.

What is In AI We Trust??

In AI We Trust? is a podcast with Miriam Vogel of EqualAI and Kay Firth-Butterfield of the Centre for Trustworthy Technology that surveys the global landscape for inspiration and lessons in developing responsible, trustworthy artificial intelligence. Each episode aims to answer a ‘big question' in ethical AI with prominent lawmakers, leading thinkers, and internationally renowned authors.