WE Earth Radio: Conversations That Make A Difference with Michael Stone and Guests

In this episode of WE Earth Radio Conversations, Michael and Stephanie speak about trauma, transformation, healing, and much more, including Stephanie's book, Becoming Fierce.

Stephanie James is a dynamic presenter, author, film producer, 'When Sparks Ignite', transformational coach, and psychotherapist with 30 years in the mental health field. She has gathered wisdom from some of the most amazing minds and serving hearts on the planet and has synthesized their wisdom with her own knowledge and experience to help her audience expand their vision of themselves and ignite their purpose. She aims to bring as much love and healing to the world as possible and she understands that when each person lives their greatest version of themselves, they illuminate the way for others to do the same.

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What is WE Earth Radio: Conversations That Make A Difference with Michael Stone and Guests?

In support of an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just world...