Being Herd Podcast

This week on The Being Herd Podcast we are joined by our first guest - Nica Quinn. Nica Quinn is an incredible artist, horsewoman, nature lover, and web weaver extraordinaire.
In this episode Nica and I discuss what it means for her to weave different streams of consciousness into her work, and how horses are a mirror of that web weaving ability. She shares where she is currently at with her work, where she is going, and what lies ahead. Nica also shares her perspective on how shifting our internal narrative through art is an important aspect of ideally re-writing the stories we tell ourselves about our horses.

Connect with Nica Quinn
Instagram - @nica _draws_nature
Website -

Connect with Dilara Pataudi
Instagram - @divine_nature_of_horses @dilarapataudi
Website -

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What is Being Herd Podcast?

This podcast is a place for the new paradigm of the horse industry to have a place to expand. Join me, the herd, and guests in the simple act of sharing our horse related experiences and explorations, in a space where human and horse can come together.