Clydesdale Media Podcast

Fee Saghafi has been trying to make her way back to the Games for a few years now, coming so close year after year. She made some big moves in the off-season, like joining Matt Torres and the Brute Strength Crew in Florida. That move paid dividends, as Fee books her return to Madison. She is also getting married the week after the games during a destination wedding in Mexico.  What does it mean to her to have such a supportive partner.  All this and so much more.

Photos Courtesy of Roseyview Photography

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.