The Next Reel Film Podcast

Would a super-villain really use something called Exhilarating Gas? How well does John Phillip Law work as Diabolik? Is this a film we’d watch again? Tune in to this week’s show to find out our answers to these questions and more!

Show Notes

"Don’t come near, honey. Molten gold wouldn’t suit your skin."

Creating a movie from a comic book has obviously become a huge way to make money at the box office these days, but back in the late 60s, it seemed a bit riskier. Dino de Laurentiis wanted to make a film out of the incredibly popular Italian comic “Diabolik”, but the first try was bad and not worth finishing. It took a bit for people to really connect with the vision. So he dumped it and started again. Luckily, his second go-around – this time with director Mario Bava – worked. Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we wrap up our series celebrating 50th anniversaries of 1968 crime films with Bava’s Danger: Diabolik.

We talk about the crazy tone the film gives off and how it feels so much a part of its period while incredibly unique. We look at the over-the-top nature of the performances and how they work in the film, starting with John Phillip Law as the title character. We chat about the phenomenal production design and lively camera work, and how well the film works visually. We debate the quality of Ennio Morricone’s music and wonder if we’ll ever get the theme song out of our heads. And we wonder what other Bava films we need to see to really feel like we get what he’s going for in his body of work.

It’s a fun film that at least one of us liked, and is a film that feels like it’ll be an enjoyable one for repeat viewings. We have a great time chatting about it so check it out then tune in! And join our conversation with movie lovers from around the world on The Next Reel’s Discord channel! The Next Reel – when the movie ends, our conversation begins!

Film Sundries

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The Next Reel team has been dedicated to reviews, news, and commentary on world film for a decade. This podcast is The Next Reel master feed including all the episodes of The Next Reel, Trailer Rewind, The Film Board, The Speakeasy, and the other shorts, interviews, and specials we've produced over the years.