Disrupt Church: The Podcast

This is a completely optional bonus mini episode about the past few years here at the Community Church, intended to provide some context about our current situation (hint: we don't actually have a church building at the moment), how we got there (some of you may remember the events of 2020, for instance), and how we are moving forward (with radical love, courage and trust). If you're unfamiliar with Community Church, or if you find yourself wondering where this whole Disrupt Church conversation is coming from, this is a great place to start!

What is Disrupt Church: The Podcast?

The models of church we’ve been using aren’t working. Churches are shrinking, people are disconnecting, our membership is aging, and there are serious questions about our relevance in the world. It’s time for us to rethink how we do everything. By stripping us down to our mission, to the WHY rather than the HOW, can we rebuild our churches into vibrant, covenanted communities that can think outside our traditional boxes? Join Rev. Peggy Clarke, Senior Minister, and Jil Novenski, Director of Religious Education for Children and Youth at the Community Church of New York for informal, unstructured, joyful, and radically honest conversations about what's working, what's not, and how we can embrace change in times of uncertainty.