Coffee with Butterscotch: A Game Dev Comedy Podcast

Greetings, Shenanites! In this episode, we go over the final installment of the Bscotch principles! We also talk about the ice cream problem, the dangers of over-exuberance, and a mutual coincidence of wants. After all, we’re all just weird, kind of smooth-skinned monkeys -- that’s why you gotta go two why’s deep.

Show Notes

Greetings, Shenanites! In this episode, we go over the final installment of the Bscotch principles! We also talk about the ice cream problem, the dangers of over-exuberance, and a mutual coincidence of wants. After all, we’re all just weird, kind of smooth-skinned monkeys -- that’s why you gotta go two why’s deep.

ALSO, the SHENANIJAM is heading your way June 8th! Find out more info at Don’t be a rhombus, Steve!

Questions answered (abbreviated):

  • FiveIron: How can I throw money at you without having to order something from the store?
  • MySecretWeapon: What about a Buttersub Shenaniscription option where we can just give you more money?
  • divo: Do you three still play video games together? Do you prefer online or in-person gaming?

To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets at, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to

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What is Coffee with Butterscotch: A Game Dev Comedy Podcast?

Coffee with Butterscotch is the hilarity-filled official podcast of award-winning video game studio Butterscotch Shenanigans, best known for its smash hit Crashlands. Grab a drink and tune in every week to learn how video games are made and sold, our take on building a small company from scratch, and how to be an unstoppable problem-solving machine. Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at