
Join Harris and two members from the Istoria team, Angie Kline and Ben Stewart, as they continue to unpack the reasons behind storytelling's buzzword status and its enduring application in our digital age. In this engaging discussion, you'll explore:
  • The unexpected ways storytelling manifests in our daily lives, from personal relationships to parenting
  • How narrative techniques can transform complex business concepts into accessible ideas
  • The evolution of emotional intelligence across generations and its impact on storytelling
  • The paradox of increased connectivity and rising loneliness in the digital era
  • Practical strategies for leveraging storytelling to foster genuine human connections
This episode challenges conventional thinking about storytelling, revealing its broad applicability beyond marketing and business. Whether you're a seasoned storyteller or new to the concept, you'll gain fresh perspectives on how narrative shapes our world and influences our interactions. Discover why storytelling isn't just a trend, but a fundamental aspect of human experience that's more crucial than ever in our technology-driven society.

What is storyOS?

Stories are powerful, and narrative drives all human behavior. But how do we as leaders, creators and entrepreneurs learn to leverage that power for good? The storyOS Podcast dives deep into that question, so you can increase your narrative intelligence, grow your influence, and build a better future for yourself, your team and the world.