Speak The Truth

Given the state of our country right now, all the suffering happening through deathly virus', injustice, rioting as a retaliation, etc., we wanted to share our podcast with Paul Tripp from last year's ABC National Called To Counsel Conference about the hope of the Gospel through suffering.
Paul Tripp discusses his heart behind his recent book release on suffering, “Suffering: gospel hope when life doesn’t make sense”, which was largely due to his own recent experiences in suffering through an acute renal failure. Listen as Paul shares the nature of suffering and our response to it.

Show Notes

Show Notes: 
Paul Tripp discusses his heart behind his recent book release on suffering, “Suffering: gospel hope when life doesn’t make sense”, which was largely due to his own recent experiences in suffering through an acute renal failure. Listen as Paul shares the nature of suffering and our response to it. "Tweetable Tripp one-liners" from the episode
  • Suffering is spiritual warfare
  • Suffering isn’t neutral, we never come to suffering empty; we don’t suffer the thing your suffering, you suffer the way your suffering the thing your suffering.
  • We have a dark ability to trouble our own trouble.
  • Our bad theology is making a mess of our suffering.
  • God doesn’t need us to be healthy to use us; that’s a human way of thinking.
  • The move of grace is not from dependence to independence, but the move of grace is from independence to dependence.
  • We’re afraid to be honest and transparent because we don’t believe the gospel.
  • As Christians, we should be able to be the most honest community on the earth.
  • As Christians, we struggle with believing the now-ism of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • As Christians, we need to stop having cosmetic relationships.
  • God makes his invisible grace visible by sending people of grace to give grace to people who need grace, that’s how it works, modeling that incarnational living.
  • Our weakness is God’s workroom.
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What is Speak The Truth?

A podcast devoted to giving biblical truth for educating, equipping, and encouraging the local church in counseling and discipleship.