Tell Me the Story

The 12 Tribes of Israel: 
  • The sons of Reuben 
    • Hanoch dedicated
    • Pallu wonder/marvelous
    • Hezron settlement/ village
    • Carmi my vineyard 
  • The sons of Simeon 
    • Jemuel Day of El
    • Jamin Right Hand
    • Ohad Joined Together
    • Jachin He will establish 
    • Zohar Whiteness 
    • Shaul Asked for 
  • The sons of Levi 
    • Gershon Outcast/ sojourner 
    • Kohath Assembly? 
    • Merari My bitter one 
  • The sons of Judah
    • Er Awake 
    • Onan Vigorous 
    • Shelah Prosper
    • Perez Break through
      • Hezron Settlement/ village
      • Hamul Spared
    • Zerach Rise/ come forth 
  • The sons of Issachar
    • Tola Worm/ Scarlet 
    • Puah Here/ hither
    • Job Cry in a shrill voice
    • Shimron Something preserved 
  • The sons of Zebulun 
    • Sered Fear
    • Elon Oak 
    • Jahleel Whom God has made sick 
  • The sons of Gad
    • Zephon Expectation
    • Haggi My festival/ my pilgrimage 
    • Shuni My quiet one
    • Arodi Wild donkey
    • Areli Lion of El 
  • The sons of Asher 
    • Jimnah Fortunate
    • Ishuah Be level
    • Ishvi My level one 
    • Beriah In evil? 
    • Heber United/ be joined
    • Malchiel My King is God 
  • The sons of Joseph 
    • Manesseh Forget
    • Ephraim Ashes 
  • The sons of Benjamin 
    • Bela Devour 
    • Becher Young Camel 
    • Ashbol Sprout
    • Gera Grain
    • Naaman Favor 
    • Ehi My brother
    • Rosh Head 
    • Muppim Wavings
    • Huppim Cover
    • Ard Fugitive 
  • The son of Dan
    • Hushim Those who make haste
  • The sons of Naphtali 
    • Jahzeel Alotted by God
    • Guni Painted 
    • Jezer Image/ form
    • Shillem Retrubution/ Avenger

Intro and outro music Copyright © Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, used by permission. All rights reserved.

What is Tell Me the Story?

Welcome to our podcast where we take a deep dive into the holy scriptures with the sole purpose of illuminating the story being told; the responsibility of all teachers of the bible.