Men's Leadership Network Podcast

This month we visit with Don Schleicher about his life and more importantly how God brought him through some of his toughest seasons. From depression and anxiety to his recent baptism, Don is a wealth of wisdom teaching us how to be more emotionally mature as men.

Show Notes

Today it seems like there's a lot of confusion around what it means to be a man. Most of the time big beards, axes, and bulging muscles are what come to mind. We're supposed to be tough and iron-clad. All day, everyday. And somewhere along the way, this has mutated into us being stoic figures in our lives. Men don't cry, we don't show when we're in pain, and we're tough enough to not talk about our emotions because that's a weakness. And that definition couldn't be farther from the truth.
There is a balance though – no woman wants a man who is a constant basket-case. But that doesn't mean we have to be a statue emotionally. There is actually a great deal of strength, power, and resilience that comes with becoming more vulnerable with others in our lives. When we strip down our self-built personas and allow our true selves to be seen, THAT is when we are able to connect more deeply in our relationships, our marriages, our friendships, and our work environments. And in this, we not only find healing, connection, and more intimacy with others but also an opportunity to empathize and encourage others as they open up deeper as well.
Now, we're not saying you have to be an emotional wreck day in and day out, but there must be this intentionality of being in touch with what's going on inside your heart and mind... and then sharing it.
But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
There are two key elements in this verse we shouldn't fly by. First, Paul is saying he knows his weaknesses. He's aware. He's reflected. He's invited the Holy Spirit in to reveal. And because he knows his weakness he shares his weaknesses. He actually says he boasts gladly about his weaknesses to others. He's sharing them without hesitations or reservedness so that Christ's power can rest on him. 
It's time we stop trying to play Macho Man and start playing Kingdom Man – men who submit to God's everlasting principles even if that means shedding a tear or two in the name of Christ.
  1. What's the last thing you've opened up fully to your wife or community group about?
  2. When you have emotions and start to hold them back, why is it you feel like you shouldn't share?
  3. What is something you've been wanting to share with someone but haven't yet? Who could you share it with and when?

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The Men's Leadership Network Podcast brings you quick, informative topics that help you serve, grow, reflect, and connect in leadership, family, and business.