As the clock strikes midnight, Scrooge is awakened by the Ghost of Christmas Past, a strange and ethereal figure. The spirit takes Scrooge on a journey through scenes from his earlier life; he revisits his lonely childhood, his time as an apprentice under the kind and generous Mr. Fezziwig, and his failed engagement to the lovely Belle. These memories stir feelings of regret and reflection in Scrooge...
As the bell tolls one, Scrooge is visited by the Ghost of Christmas Present, a jolly and majestic presence. The ghost takes Scrooge on a journey to observe how others, including the Cratchit family and Scrooge’s nephew, Fred, celebrate Christmas Day. Their final visit is to a freezing child, vulnerable to the winter snow. As the Ghost of Christmas Present bids Scrooge farewell, a phantom arrives…the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.
Cast Includes:
Narrator/ Lily/ Matthew Cractchit - Elizabeth Anne Rimar
Scrooge - Peter Carellini
Bob Cratchit/ Marley/ Mr. Fezziwig - James Kay
Fred/ Young Scrooge/ Gentleman 2/ Peter Cratchit - Andres Robledo
Spirit 2/ Gentleman 1/ Businessman 2/ Old Joe - Garvey X. Dobbins
Spirit 1/ Belle/ Martha Cratchit/ Little Boy - Keara Dooley
Mrs. Cratchit/ Ms. Dibler/ Lucy Cratchit/ Businessman 1 - Margeaux Lampley
Additional Voices - Helena Mueller and Maddi Albregts
MAD Company is a nonprofit theatre company that relies on donations from our listeners to continue making innovative art. If you would like to donate to MAD Company, you can make a tax deductible donation through
A special thank you to our patrons for helping make this show possible: Lord Gary Dando, Devon Clayland, Gerrard James, Aksel Tang, Dave Demke, Leslie Hill, Chris Bernatz, Roberto Robledo, Barbara Ingraham, Will Lorenzo, Mike Bernatz, James and Joanna Dooley, Emily Stocker, Lisa and Doug Albregts, Stacey and Dan Albregts, and Jerry Hale
* If a transcript is needed, please reach out to *
What is A Christmas Carol: Radio Play ?
Experience the magic of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol! Brought to you as an immersive audio drama by MAD Company, follow the unforgettable journey of Ebeneezer Scrooge as he confronts his past, present and future in a journey of atonement. With rich soundscapes, holiday-inspired music, and a talented cast of 7 actors, this timeless tale of redemption and the true spirit of Christmas will transport listeners to the world of Charles Dickens.
MAD Company is a nonprofit theatre company that relies on donations from our listeners to continue making innovative art. If you would like to donate to MAD Company, you can make a tax deductible donation through
A special thank you to our patrons for helping make this show possible: Lord Gary Dando, Devon Clayland, Gerrard James, Aksel Tang, Dave Demke, Leslie Hill, Chris Bernatz, Roberto Robledo, Barbara Ingraham, Will Lorenzo, Mike Bernatz, James and Joanna Dooley, Emily Stocker, Lisa and Doug Albregts, Stacey and Dan Albregts, and Jerry Hale