the Love Says podcast

Tami Fairweather is a writer, an artist, a connector - a communications consultant, a photographer, a dancer, a world traveler and a fantastic hugger.

She lives Love in a tangible, artistic, human way; connects history, culture, and people and is deeply involved with social awareness wherever she goes.

In our two-part conversation, she shares about:

✨ Her evolving understanding of love from childhood beliefs to deeper, purer forms of love ✨ A series of unplanned events that led her to embracing anonymity and building community in New Orleans
✨ One superpower she wishes she had (that I think she already has)
✨ Why she believes travel is a mindset
✨ The lessons she learned from the healing, beautiful, profound experience of being with her mom before her death and during her transition

What is the Love Says podcast?

What unfolds when we each find our own way back to a place of love?

Love can get us through the most painful moments, give us the freedom to grow , the courage to change - and Love can lead us to a whole lot of peace and joy and possibility.

So let’s see what happens — in us, in our life and in our world when we listen in to what Love Says.
the Love Says podcast Team:
Co-Produced by Elizabeth Johnson & Paul Voran
Engineered by Paul Voran at SoapBox Records
Logo Art Design by Courtney Stephens of Fairfield Street Designs
Theme music by Paul Voran
Messaging & Marketing by Amy Fukuizumi at You're a Big Deal