HemeTalks: Conversations in Hematology Education

HemeTalks: Conversations in Hematology Education Trailer Bonus Episode 6 Season 4

Blood for All: Clinical Impacts of Diverse Donor Pools

Blood for All: Clinical Impacts of Diverse Donor PoolsBlood for All: Clinical Impacts of Diverse Donor Pools

Dr. Rahma Warsame (@RWarsameMD) sits down with Dr. Margo Rollins to explore the critical clinical importance of diverse blood donors and unique challenges faced in recruiting and retaining a diverse donor pool. They then delve into practical strategies and opportunities to overcome these barriers. Join us to gain valuable insights into how enhancing donor diversity can significantly improve patient outcomes and promote health equity.
Learning Objectives: To educate hematologists on…
  • The importance of donor diversity in blood donations,
  • Challenges faced in recruiting and retaining a diverse pool particularly from BIPOC communities, and
  • Strategies toward overcoming these barriers.

What is HemeTalks: Conversations in Hematology Education?

HemeTalks: Conversations in Hematology Education is the latest podcast channel by the American Society of Hematology (ASH)! Explore educational content crafted by subject-matter experts from ASH, tailored to fulfill your professional education requirements. Whether you are a clinician or researcher, HemeTalks provides innovative education designed for every career stage and subspecialty.