10 Questions with 10 Pastors

Port Wilburn is an associational missionary at the Bridges Bay Area Association and missions pastor at Rock Harbor in San Pablo, California, a church he replanted. He is also a Gateway grad having earned the MDiv in 2005.

Port tells host Tyler Sanders about his background in church planting, why his nickname is "Barnabas" and the books he is currently reading: The Baptist Association: Assisting Churches. Advancing the Gospel. by Ray Gentry and The Offensive Church by Bryan Loritts.

What is 10 Questions with 10 Pastors?

10 Questions with 10 Pastors is an interview podcast on preaching, ministry challenges, and more.

Host Tyler Sanders speaks with pastors about sermon strategy and preparation, the ups-and-downs of serving a church, and controversial topics like: Who has the best burger? In-n-Out or Five Guys?