Promote The Truth Podcast

Join us for a groundbreaking episode as we dive into the final chapter of the Scriptures, Hazun (Revelation) 22. Witness a profound session where Scholar Jay Noland brings the entire spiritual journey full circle by completing the translation of the Bariyt Hadash (New Testament) from the "Truth Scriptures," as it was first released. This episode isn't just a discussion. This a spiritual rallying cry, shaking the foundations of tradition and bringing to light the true meanings embedded in these eternal texts.

In this session, we explore the vivid imagery of the "River of Life" and the Tree of Life bearing twelve fruits, and the everlasting Light of Master YAHUAH that eliminates all darkness. We dissect every verse, revealing deep insights into the prophecies and promises that point towards a transformative future for the faithful.

Discover the profound implications of the text, such as the healing leaves of the Tree of Life for the nations, the absence of curses, and the eternal reign with YAHUAH. This detailed exposition challenges conventional interpretations and calls for a return to the roots of our faith, focusing on the unadulterated words of YAHUAH.

Donโ€™t miss this powerful recap of our journey through the Bariyt Hadash (New Testament) from the Truth Scriptures, as we prepare to send the completed translation to the printers. This is more than just a translation. This project is a revelation that promises to shift paradigms and inspire all who yearn for truth and spiritual depth. No more lies. The TRUTH is here.

๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’ง Watch, learn, and be transformed as we step into the pure light of understanding and prepare to usher in a new era with the authentic Word of YAHUAH! ๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ“–๐ŸŒฟ

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#Revelation22 #ScriptureStudy #TruthScriptures #EndTimes #BibleTranslation #SpiritualAwakening #YAHUAH #ProphecyFulfilled #TreeOfLife

What is Promote The Truth Podcast?

Promote The Truth is unlike any podcast youโ€™ve ever heard before. If you are on a spiritual or enlightenment journey, this is the place for you. If you're on a sincere "truth journey" and can feel you need more answers, this is the place for you. If you've ever had prayers go unanswered and knew that you should have received an answer, then more than likely you've been calling on the wrong Name, and have yet to enter into a covenant relationship with the True Creator of all, YAHUAH. We'll show you how to simply fix this problem. It will become common sense to you. On this podcast, you will be given accurate information about the Creator, YAHUAH, and His way to Eternal Life. We know that getting accurate information on the TRUTH is extremely difficult, but weโ€™ve simplified it for our listeners to engage and fully understand the truth. All our research is backed up by some of the earliest and/or original scripture text available. Are you ready to hear some of the most powerful, life-altering spiritual information ever? See you on the next episode of the Promote The Truth Podcast!

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Promote The Truth