Voces por la Salud / Voices for Health, by Roche

Life after cancer comes with a new set of challenges. Fertility shouldn't be one of them. Yet, sadly female cancer survivors don’t always get the timely access to counselling and treatment that’s needed.

Show Notes

Oncologist Dr Matteo Lambertini believes it’s important to empower female patients, as well as improve the networks between oncologists and fertility experts. Listen now as he talks to Maura Dickler  about what it takes to remove the barriers - and why it all begins with clinical trials.

“Now, as physicians, as medical oncologists, we have more responsibilities because it's not only the cure of the disease, but it's also to avoid as much as possible the side effects… We need to pay more attention when we design clinical trials to try to focus on the survivorship issues.” Dr Matteo Lambertini

What is Voces por la Salud / Voices for Health, by Roche ?

Sistemas de salud sostenibles, innovación y salud digital, acceso a cuidados de calidad y una cobertura universal de salud.

Estos son algunos de los temas que abordaremos en este espacio de Roche América Latina junto a referentes globales de la salud, la tecnología y las políticas públicas.

El desafío es cómo llevar la promesa de la innovación y el acceso universal a una mejor calidad de vida a todos los ciudadanos del mundo. Es algo que nos concierne a todos.

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