Ask Rezzz

Do you do a weekly review? A way to look back on a week and see what was accomplished? If not, after this episode you should consider doing it.

Show Notes

I’m a huge fan of weekly reviews and they are a pivotal part of my business each and every single week.

I was having a conversation with a Feast community member and this person had a bad week where things unexpectedly happened and through some plans off track.

They said “that they see the value in a weekly review but in practice they would see that plans got thrown off track and would then just work through the weekend to put things back on track.”

This is something I’ve done in the past myself. But what I’ve learned from several different people is that during a weekly review, a key point to do is evaluate the week and if something went bad, you need to ask yourself.

  • “Why did this go bad?
  • “What was the results of this happening?”
  • “How can I prevent or at least minimize the effects of this when it happens again?”
Learning is key to your weekly review

During my weekly reviews it’s not just about Inbox Zero and planning the week, but it’s also planning out the future and learning from the experiences of the week.

Case in point, last week I felt a bit scattered and didn’t think that I accomplished all I set out to do.

Well I didn’t, however during my weekly review I found that the reason I felt scattered was that I had too many pans in the fire, between client projects and rezzz projects.

I had to pair back and reduce the number of things that I was focused on.

I sat down, wrote out all the tasks that are directly impacting the business right now and that’s my focus. Everything else is back-burnered for now to a point that I’m still moving the needle on those projects because they are important.

But until the immediate tasks impacting the business are addressed and completed, they aren’t going to take a front-and-center priority.

Don’t get down about your own self-imposed deadlines

We as entrepreneurs and often put hard deadlines on all the things we do because that’s what we feel is important.

When we miss these deadlines we tend to beat ourselves up about it.

Especially when we start exploring new opportunities and things that don’t have an immediate impact. Those are things that can wait often times by a week or 2 and there’s no loss.

When we have these self-imposed deadlines and we miss them it can derail us off all the other things that need their deadlines met.

Give yourself a break once in a while and ease off the deadlines of new things so that you can finish what you need to and then move and grow the business in new ways.

👉 For full show notes to this episode & more resources for you.

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You ask, I answer your web development and design business questions. 🚀 Struggling with a client? Want to build recurring revenue but unsure where to start? Feeling overwhelmed? Have a client that's always late? Want to get clients who respect you? This is the show for you 2 times a week.