Imperfectly Human: A Transparent Walk With Mr. Daley

Mr Daley discusses mental health and more specifically, mental fatigue on this latest episode of the Imperfectly Human podcast.

Show Notes

I have never been a person to shy away from honesty and transparency so I have made no secret of my struggles with my own mental wellbeing. I think that most entrepreneurs suffer this but I guess my personality type compounds this issue. I fall into a rare Myers-Briggs profile "INFJ" of which one of the characteristic traits is being a 'perfectionist'. This constant search for perfection in everything leads me to construct my 'ideals' in my head and try to make my reality align with those ideals. This characteristic is probably one of my greatest assets as a creative individual because it means I am never short of ideas and ways to make things better and I can always visualise a perfect state for these ideas but when reality doesn't line up, I start to stress out. This happens in every area of life so I consciously have to work towards levels of contentment in every area of life.
My career has always been an area where I have had an ideal and standard that I wanted to achieve and this ideal has been elusive for a while. Add to this challenges that have set me back, decisions that have cost me and a lack of support, outside of my wife, you can understand how the feelings that lead to emotional, mental and physical fatigue can quickly develop and cause burnout.
I am grateful that I have my faith, friends and access to professional advice, which have helped me to find my 'happy place' without giving up on my dreams and aspirations. I know my strengths and weaknesses and work within these to drive towards my goals.
Entrepreneurship is a lonely journey because the people around you cannot see what is in your head, sometimes cannot appreciate and understand your vision and definitely are not as invested in your dream as you are. This can lead to a sense of isolation and give way to many other negative feelings and it is important to know how to recognise these and how to manage them.
If you are struggling with your mental health and you need help, you can reach out to the following:
  • Your general practitioner (GP)
David Daley        

Mr Daley is the principal consultant of Yellow Eight, a design agency that focuses on digital marketing, user experience, functional design and analytics. Yellow Eight exists to help businesses make themselves more noticeable online, improve their customer experience and to convert more leads.
Mr Daley is also the founder of The Daley Perspective Network and host of the Daley Perspective podcast (available on all major streaming platforms).

You can connect with Mr Daley on the following platforms:
Instagram - @dydaley
Facebook - David Daley
Stereo - @dydaley
Twitter - @dydaley
Clubhouse - @dydaley

You can connect with Yellow Eight on the following platforms:
Instagram - @yelloweightdesign
Facebook - @yelloweightdesign
Twitter - @yelloweightdsgn

You can connect with The Daley Perspective Network on the following platforms:
Instagram - @daleyperspectivenetwork
Facebook - @daleyperspectivenetwork
Twitter - @DaleyNetwork

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What is Imperfectly Human: A Transparent Walk With Mr. Daley?

Ready to ditch the filters and dive into the raw, real, and beautifully messy journey of life? Join Mr. Daley on Imperfectly Human, a podcast where faith meets everyday hustle, laughter mingles with vulnerability, and the pursuit of purpose gets gloriously unscripted.

Think less "highlight reel," more "behind the scenes." We'll follow Mr. Daley as he navigates the highs and lows of being a husband, father, friend, entrepreneur, and, yes, even a perfectly imperfect human navigating the world as a Christian.

Expect the unexpected:

Business tips with a dash of divine guidance.
Parenting tales that will make you laugh (and maybe cry a little).
Honest reflections on faith, doubt, and finding your own path.
Real conversations about real issues, all filtered through Mr. Daley's unique perspective.

Imperfectly Human is more than just a podcast; it's a community. A place where you can shed your own masks, embrace your stumbles, and celebrate the messy beauty of being human. So, grab your favorite beverage, hit subscribe, and get ready to walk alongside Mr. Daley on this unfiltered, faith-fueled adventure.

Remember, perfection is overrated. Let's get real, get vulnerable, and get human, together.

P.S. Want to share your own imperfect-but-awesome story? Hit Mr. Daley up on social media!