Amy Beard MD

This is the first in a series of podcasts explaining the common mistakes and misconceptions regarding weight loss. There is a TON of misinformation out there on the internet. Overcoming obesity and weight-related issues requires a holistic approach and a sound understanding of how lifestyle choices and environmental exposures contribute to metabolic derangements and systemic inflammation. MDs were not taught this, and many well-meaning health enthusiasts know just enough to be dangerous.

What is Amy Beard MD?

This podcast is all about empowering you to improve your health and quality of life and making you less dependent upon our current "sick care" medical system. A functional medicine physician, deprogramed dietitian, ER and family medicine doctor is joined by her engineer, farmer, chef husband to provide you with the knowledge and skills to reclaim your health and wellbeing, overcome and prevent chronic disease, and live healthier and happier lives. All areas impacting your health, from the farm to the exam table, are discussed.