The Gathering Surf City

Hey Gathering Fam! This is the first of many Gathering Stories episodes. In this first episode, I was able to interview Hans Lonander. I've been friends with Hans for a while and I'm glad that we got the opportunity to record his story. Its a powerful one of God's redemption! 
The goal with Gathering Stories is to allow folks within the Gathering to hear testimonies from others. So many Scriptures encourage us to tell or faith journey to encourage other believers, to share the Gospel, and to connect with other believers. These stories will all do just that! Enjoy!

If you have any questions for Hans or myself, reach out to

If you want the opportunity to share your journey, you can reach out to the same email address.

If you want to see other podcasts that The Gathering produces, visit

What is The Gathering Surf City?

This is The Gathering Surf City’s podcast for weekly messages.
The Gathering is a passionate worship community in Surf City, North Carolina that strives to Love God, Live Jesus, and Walk together in the Holy Spirit. We hope you enjoy worshipping and drawing closer to Jesus with us!