
Dave is finally sober after last week, & is joined once again by Shea to run over some big news from the sports world this week, as well as the usual football storylines.

- It all started with a little tweet, & resulted in an entire nation shunning the NBA. We try to tackle the controversy surrounding Daryl Morey & his tweet in support of Hong Kong causing China to completely admonish the NBA & cause a global incident.
- In light of Percy Harvin's admission he was "high" every game day during his NFL career, we discuss the continuing evolution of the cannabis in football issue, as society is constantly growing to a more mature understanding of marijuana & it's place in the world, as well as sports.
- NFL stories of the week: Chiefs banged up an mortal, Pats continue to roll (but there are concerns), NFC bloodbath with the Niners, Seahawks & Rams in a hell of a divisional battle, + other stories from the week.
- A brief on college football as the season finally begins to heat up.

Iced Coffee makes for a much more coherent pod. No hangovers this week, lets get SportsGasmic.

What is SportsGasmic?

Two South Aussies, one Oregonian, one Nebraskan - all sharing a love of sport & froffies, getting together to pod about it.

Best paired with your preferred alcoholic beverage.