Nerd Culture Ministry Summit

There are times when it’s difficult or impossible to gather in person, and you may be scrambling to find ways to disciple your students. However, there’s a massive mission field just waiting for youth workers to plug into. You can connect with youth in a way that is both relational and deeply relevant to their lives—all without leaving your home or office. This mission field is the digital world of video games. There is tremendous value in gathering together with your students through the medium of video games, but it can be difficult to know where to start—or why you should! Love Thy Nerd, in partnership with Satellite Gaming and UYWI, have put together a collection of resources to help you and your students thrive through digital discipleship, not only during uniquely challenging times but far into the future.

What is Nerd Culture Ministry Summit?

Keynotes & Breakouts from the Nerd Culture Ministry Summit.