Your Fellow Human

What’s the difference between struggle and choice?

Today I want to introduce you to Donat, Dona is the kind of man that you meet and instantly feel like you have been friends for a long time, he speaks to you without judgment or fear, and listens with sincerity and intention 

I met Donat back in the winter during dive training in Rijeka, and immediately was made aware of his genuine acceptance and care for others. So getting to spend time with not only him but also his beautiful family during my recent time in Croatia, I was so excited to get to sit down and let you guys hear a bit of who he is

We chat about what it means to find joy in another’s success, about the difference between talking, complaining, and taking action, how people often fear what they don’t understand, and how he often prefers when others don’t believe in him

He shares how he has grown up in the sea, how as far back as he can remember he was always diving, how he wishes we were doing more to protect the ocean and how he has seen so much decline even in his own lifetime in its health

We talk about what it would be like really know what others think of us, how important it is to be able to hear something without fear and making our own determination on the weight another’s words should have, and the importance in valuing honesty and dedication to something no matter what that looks like for someone else 

Donat is a man that in my opinion takes things as seriously as they should be, he pushes himself hard, and gives everything he can towards the things that matter to him, and holds balance in being able to not give weight to the things that have no right to hold us down, he’s a friend, a father, a husband, and human I respect and value a lot

So tune in today and meet Donat, someone that reminds us all to not fear what’s said, to not fear difficulty, and to find joy in the days we are given

And to you Donat thank you, thank you for the way you welcomed me immediately as a friend, shared time and space with me, for your encouragement and support as I continue on my diving journey, for speaking English to my overloaded brain;), and for the honor of getting to know you more. You are a gem of a human my friend @donatfaraguna

What is Your Fellow Human?

These interview style episodes are all about the way we as people view life, the things we love and the things that cause us pain, the way we think, hope, and fear.

We each hold a unique place in this world, complete with our own dreams, culture, and perspective. It is the individual stories of those I meet along my journey that shape the way I see the world.

I’m excited to share these stories with you and hope they allow you to fall in love with humanity as they have for me.