Abortion and the Church

[W]hen a physician or other medical authority (and yes, they are authorities) warns us we should consider aborting our child, it shakes us to our core. Sometimes the suggestion arises from a problematic ultrasound showing the little one might have this or that anomaly indicating some potentially serious genetic disorder. Other times it arises from a serious diagnosis of the mother herself made during her pregnancy which requires a treatment that could harm or kill the baby in her womb (as in the examples mentioned above).
Regardless of the reason for the suggestion or recommendation, the simple fact is that your professional healer has just suggested or recommended to you that you kill your child. Don’t let the clinical tone of the suggestion throw you off guard, leaving you in shock so that you fail to react with the horror which you ought properly to feel and express. Prepare yourself beforehand so the medical professionals, who normally serve us so well, can have our help restoring their lost or attenuated instinct to protect mothers’ loving solicitude towards their little ones, as well as the little ones themselves. Something like this might be said...

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Evangel Presbytery's complete Abortion and the Church may be read online, here; and downloaded as a PDF, here.

For more information on Evangel Presbytery...

The intro and outro of this recording are Psalm 13, "LORD, how long?" This is one Psalm from My Soul Among Lions' project setting out to record all the Psalms. Here is the full recording.

Listen here to Warhorn Media's full podcast series on abortion.

What is Abortion and the Church?

Audio recordings of the document, from start to finish