RiseUp - Live Joy Your Way

So many people are confused as to what conscious parenting actually is. There is even a bit of controversy that if you ‘consciously parent’ you’re creating children that are unable to handle resiliency. This, of course, is not true, but how do you successfully practice it?   As a parent, you want your children to be happy, healthy, and successful adults. This means there isn’t one tried and true way to parent. It has to be unique to you and your beliefs as a person. However, your mood can dictate how successful you will be in educating your child on these beliefs. If you’re happy and relaxed, you could say you’re more patient and able to explain to your children why certain things are the way they are. And, if you’re stressed out, you might be more short with them and have much less patience when they’re acting out.   Conscious parenting is the idea that you show up mindfully for your child, no matter how bad or stressful things are around you. It’s the idea that you want to come from a place of emotional intelligence whenever you’re interacting with your child.   Conscious parenting is the practice of looking inwards within themselves and start educating themselves on broken paradigms that might be furthering generational trauma or an unhealthy narrative. The idea is to break out of this model so that you don’t continue to pass down old stories to your children.   Continue Your Growth Journey: Kaminiwood.com  

Show Notes

So many people are confused as to what conscious parenting actually is. There is even a bit of controversy that if you ‘consciously parent’ you’re creating children that are unable to handle resiliency. This, of course, is not true, but how do you successfully practice it?


As a parent, you want your children to be happy, healthy, and successful adults. This means there isn’t one tried and true way to parent. It has to be unique to you and your beliefs as a person. However, your mood can dictate how successful you will be in educating your child on these beliefs. If you’re happy and relaxed, you could say you’re more patient and able to explain to your children why certain things are the way they are. And, if you’re stressed out, you might be more short with them and have much less patience when they’re acting out.


Conscious parenting is the idea that you show up mindfully for your child, no matter how bad or stressful things are around you. It’s the idea that you want to come from a place of emotional intelligence whenever you’re interacting with your child.


Conscious parenting is the practice of looking inwards within themselves and start educating themselves on broken paradigms that might be furthering generational trauma or an unhealthy narrative. The idea is to break out of this model so that you don’t continue to pass down old stories to your children.


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What is RiseUp - Live Joy Your Way?

Kamini Wood works with high achievers on letting go of stress, overwhelm and anxiety that comes with trying to do everything, and trying to do it all perfectly