Markus Triska talks about his work on Constraint Logic Programming packages, writing robust software, modern features of Prolog systems, and the future of logic programming.
"It says, 'Find your way from darkness to light,' which is one of the quotes that occurs in The Knight of Cups, which is a recent movie by Terrence Malick."
"I was introduced to Prolog by Ulrich Neumerkel at the Vienna University of Technology."
"the convener of the Prolog ISO standard group."
"He has developed his own teaching environment called GUPU, which means talk-assisted programming environment [Gesprächsunterstützende Programmierübungsumgebung]."
"one fellow student came to me and asked for a solution to [what] you may now know as the SEND MORE MONEY task."
"People have ... in different languages, explored multi-dispatch, multi-methods, and all kinds of stuff."
"... the notion that an algorithm can be decomposed into a logic aspect and a control aspect. So this is written as 'algorithm is logic plus control.'"
"...let's look at the HTTP framework of SWI-Prolog"
"...the first use case that Prolog should solve was translating weather reports between French and English. It was the METEO system..."
"For this purpose ... DCGs were invented. So this is a sub-formalism in Prolog that lets us describe lists in a very natural way."
" have kind of a special syntax with the keyword is, and many of the normal, nice properties of Prolog start breaking down."
"It is abbreviated as CSP: Constraint Satisfaction Problem."
"You have variables, you have associated domains, which in plain Prolog are always Herbrand terms, named after Jaques Herbrand."
"In the literature, this has even been mentioned as the Holy Grail of computer science. This property [or] at least the idea that users or application programmers specify a task and the system solves it."
"For comparison, [...] the constraint solver for SICStus Prolog is hundreds of times faster than for example what I've implemented."
The Logic Programming podcast. About the history, future, and wider landscape of Logic Programming.