Truth Reel

With the great changes we see taking place on a global scale, and the many elites, experts and alarmists pointing us to the next existential crisis, we the people long for stability. History is the great marker that tells us what we can expect as the stories of the past tend to repeat themselves in the present. A global reset of governance lies on the horizon and two choices lie before us. To toe the line, or to hold the line.

Show Notes

Show Notes:
Click on the links below

1. Klaus Shwab: Great Narrative

2. Great Narrative Conference - Closing Plenary

3. WEF Conference in Dubai - Ngaire Woods on Global Elites

4. Michael Shellenberger - Apocalypse Never

5. WEF Great Reset - On Net Zero

6. WEF - The Great Reset Website

7. The Hill - John Kerry on Great Reset

What is Truth Reel?

A Real conversation begins with honesty. It's raw, candid and fearless. That's how life unfolds. One discovery at a time, always searching to find the answers. On the Truth Reel, we are the inquisitors on a journey to really understand the "why" of life. Who we are, why we are here and where all of this is going. The Truth of us is something you and I are meant to find and to know. Because in the end, it is the Truth that will set us free.