Accidental Gods

How do we understand dreams in ways that make sense of 21st Century life?  How can we interpret them in ways that have meaning for us as individuals, in the complexity of our lives?  Rabbi Jill Hammer has explored the depths of dreams and dreaming with her new book - and here talks to us about what she learned, and some of the dreams that touched her most deeply.

Rabbi Jill Hammer, PhD, is an author, scholar, ritualist, poet, midrashist, and dreamworker. She is the Director of Spiritual Education at the Academy for Jewish Religion, a pluralistic seminary, and cofounder of the Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute, a program in earth-based, embodied, feminist Jewish spiritual leadership.
Her own experience of dreams as a source of deep teaching, wisdom and connection to the All That Is (however we define it) led her to a lifetime of exploring dreams and how they can guide us in ways that bypass our conscious minds.   Dreams led her to rabbinical school and then from there into the many areas of her teaching and learning life.  The depth of this book makes it one of our generation's most useful dreaming handbooks - it won't tell you how to interpret your dreams: It will help you to find their depth and mine them for all they can teach you.

North American listeners can PreOrder Jill's book here:

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Rabbi Jill Episode 12:

What is Accidental Gods ?

The old paradigm is breaking apart. The new one is still not fully shaped.

If we're going to emerge into a just, equitable - and above all regenerative - system, we need to meet the people who are already living, working, thinking and believing at the leading edge of inter-becoming transformation.
Accidental Gods exists to bring these voices to the world so that we can all step forward into a future we'd be proud to leave to the generations that come after us.
We have the choice now - we can choose to transform…or we can face the chaos of a failing system.
Our Choice. Our Chance. Our Future.

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