The Divine Life of Sai Baba

"Asavari's Devotion" is the 36th Leela in the series. In this clip, Vinny Ma narrates the story of a Lavani singer Asavari, who was very devoted to Baba, and who sang devotional songs of Baba in her melodious voice at various programmes. The audience always felt touched with her songs of devotion to Baba. One night, Baba appeared in her dreams, where He approved of her singing and blessed her.

Vinny Ma also talks on the aspects of devotion, with references to the Sri Sai Satcharita, in which Baba promises His devotees that whoever sings His Leelas in any way with love and devotion will always have Baba's Grace.

Asavari Vaikul was a renowned Lavani singer who resided in Mumbai. Lavani is the traditional song and dance of Maharashtra. Although she was known as the ‘Empress of Lavani,’ Asavari devotedly gave numerous programmes singing devotional songs of Baba. Her performance left the devotees gathered there spellbound, as she sang from her soul and was quite oblivious of her surroundings. Asavari was blessed with a melodious voice, and her ardent devotion to Baba was evident from her rendition. Happily, Asavari returned home after her program was over, prostrated before Baba’s picture, and then went to sleep.

In the wee hours of the morning, she dreamed of Baba. Asavari found herself in the Dwarka Mai and Baba was seated in his usual place next to the railing. He was wearing a white Kafni, and a white cloth was tied around his head. However, his forehead was marked with a sandalwood Tripundra (three horizontal lines of Lord Shiva). He was sitting in his Dwarka Mai pose and His Chillum and Satka lay on the floor next to Him. He was looking intently at Dhuni Mai. Asavari climbed the steps and stood there for a moment. Baba turned His head and looked at her. He was all alone. Baba smiled and said, “My child, come in.” Happily, Asavari went and sat at His feet. With glee, Baba stroked her head and said, “My child, keep singing my songs with devotion as you do. Sing them for your entire life. Allah will bless you.” Asavari was overwhelmed by what Baba said, and she had a lump in her throat. She knew not what to say. Baba was looking at her with utter empathy, and Asavari started sobbing. Those were tears of happiness. Baba pulled her close to Him as if she was a small child, and stroked her head. Then He said, “Why do you cry? What do you want from me?” Asavari was silent for a long time. Finally, she said, “Baba let me be content and happy. I don’t want anything else.” In a pleasant voice, Baba replied, “Allah Malik. Allah Malik.” Instantaneously, Baba disappeared. Asavari screamed, “Baba!” in her sleep and woke up. She looked at Baba’s picture on the wall in front of her and mentally thanked Him.

Asavari recalls, “Baba approved of my singing His devotional songs, and doing Kirtan. In fact, He stressed the importance of the first stage of Nava Vida Bhakti that is ‘Bhajan, Kirtan and Chintan’. He did not give importance to other modes of devotion. I am certain that by doing this, we will receive hundred fold blessings from Him. Thus, He gave me the key to His treasury. This is the reason it is written in the Shri Sai Satcharitra, chapter 3, ovi 12: ‘Whoever hears my Charita, narrates my Charita, and sings my Charita in any which way, but with love and devotion, I will never forsake him. He who sings my praises, my Leelas, and describes my divinity, I will stand behind him, by the side of him and surround him on all four sides with my grace’.”

In chapter 21 of the Shri Sai Satcharitra, the story of Anantrao Patankar, who had read numerous theosophical texts, but didn’t have peace of mind is described. Baba narrates the parable of the merchant who astutely collected the 9 nodules of dung that the horse passed. Following this, his mind became peaceful and steady. The 9 nodules of dung are the 9 modes of devotion. The first three, i.e., Shravan (hearing the attributes, excellences or wondrous achievements of saints, as read or recited); Kirtan (reciting); and Smaran (calling to mind and meditating upon the names and perfection of the Lord) are the first steps on the ladder of devotion. Baba himself explicitly approved of Asavari’s singing of his devotional songs.

This Leela is taken from the Shri Sai Leela magazine, vol. 63, November 1984.

Show Notes

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What is The Divine Life of Sai Baba?

A special podcast series by Dr. Vinny Chitluri which is on Baba's leelas and life history.