Welcome to SHE is Confident. Hi! This is Deon Teh and in this episode, I will be sharing with you about STAYING MOTIVATED.

Show Notes


Welcome to SHE is Confident. Hi! This is Deon Teh and in this episode, I will be sharing with you about STAYING MOTIVATED.

When we are motivated, we will be able to accomplish most of our things and even be successful in meeting our goals. If we are unable to maintain consistency of what we do in our lives, this might be due to our lack of purpose and inability to establish an orderly structure.

When this happens, our learning curve is like a roller coaster ride, there will be ups and downs. Our feelings and our motivation will be affected too.  When you are down,  your motivation will go down, and when you are able to learn well, your motivation will rise(rice) but if you don't keep the momentum then it will go down again and become stagnant.

Everything has both sides, it can be easy or it can be hard, depending on the condition of your mind, the body as well as the people around you. When we are unable to reach the level of satisfaction that we want and enjoy what we do, we will feel insecure.  Fear will rise(rice) and panic occurs and you feel anxious.

When you do things without connecting with your inner heart, you will only do it for a short while, like the majority of us experience. However, if you are aware and like the things you do wholeheartedly, you will be able to persevere and enjoy every moment and will be able to pursue further. 

When I was in secondary school, I joined the Taekwondo club. I had an opportunity to represent my club to compete in a  lower grade competition. but due to a lack of support and encouragement from family and friends. I was timid, shy, and didn't know how to prepare for the competition and in the end, I did not attend the competition. 

In my younger days, my friend and I wanted to backpack in Europe for a month. However, we were too lazy to plan for the trip and we made up many excuses why we couldn't go and in the end, it became an unfulfilled dream. We can only keep thinking in our minds but no action made. 

In the past, whatever I do, I depend greatly on my friends or relatives. I would not sign up for any course or any workshop on my own It could also be due to the fact that I did not know what I wanted to do or learn hence whenever I embarked on doing something, I would either stop learning halfway or leave it aside after learning. 

In the past 2-3 years, I started to change my way of learning. I learned to let go of my pride and understood that it is my block that limits me to growth. I picked up books and read about other people’s success stories and followed their ways.  If the first time didn’t work out, I will go for the second time and so on, and keep trying.
Unless I do not enjoy the things that I’m doing, then I will change. I have also learnt to do one thing at a time and not overwhelm myself. 
I can self-manage my time and my target or goal, I can be more firm than what I want and dare to try, I am no longer only thinking or dreaming what I want, I further on to proceed and so that I can feel it in my heart that it is not far away.

Don't worry about everything. When you feel that you can no longer continue, just persevere on and everything will be alright and you will have a breakthrough. 

Think about what makes you feel good, decide on when to do it and from there you set a goal and timeline and your dream will come true. 

You can also do exercises like yoga, jogging, or even practicing qigong, it can keep your inner body well circulated in order to have a healthy mental state, helping you boost your energy to chase after your dream.

Your physical and thinking are crucial for your mind, body, and soul, as all three have to work together as a whole. 

Self-doubt is the number one killer of your motivation. We give ourselves a hundred and one reasons to push ourselves away from being motivated.

It is especially crucial when you are about to get into the right path, when you cross it successfully, it would be a smooth sailing journey if not you will go back to square one. 

Accept yourself for who you are, and it is okay if you have not reached the destination you wanted to go to in the end. You are successful not because you want people to say you are capable, it is because you are able to unleash your talent,  know who you are and what you want for this life journey.

If you want to talk about transforming your inner child, healing your relationships with yourself and money, connect with me through my Facebook and the link is in the show notes.

I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing with you about you are more powerful than you think.


She's confident - Imagine an event, a show where…

…women are gathering to inspire each other to step fully into their greatness.

A place where all the facades are dropped, and instead the real, raw truth is shared.

Imagine a safe place created just for you.

A place where you can dive deep into all of the fears that have been holding you captive.

A sacred place that allows you to hold space and support for each other as you dive deep into a life-changing transformation.

It is time for women’s voices to be heard

…for women to speak-up and share their truth and wisdom through the power of their stories.
This is why we are coming together to share the CONFIDENCE that gives women a stage to be real, raw and vulnerable as they share their stories so that TOGETHER we can lead with courage and Rise Up!