Digital Literacies and 21st Century Skills

In this week’s episode we discuss how visual images are everywhere and come in multiple forms. We discuss using images in social media, art museums, and in classrooms. Can we copy images? What is considered original? We talk about the use of Visual Thinking Strategies for artwork in museums as well as the classroom. Adriana touches on social risk that goes along with passing videos on and connecting with others on social media. How can we teach students about the digital footprint they leave behind? In closing, we discuss what exactly is considered art. Is Youtube and TikTok considered art? And should we be using these outlets in the classroom to pique student interest?

Special thanks to Ricci Sayers, who won the logo contest last semester!

Show Notes


Apkon (2013) All the world’s a screen (Excerpt from The age of the image)

Burnham and Elliot (2011) Teaching in the art museum: Interpretation as experience

Cordell (2015) Using images to teach critical thinking skills

Duncum (2015) A journey toward an art education for wired youth

Music: “Earning Happiness” by John Bartman. From the Free Music Archive  CC0 1.0 Universal License.

What is Digital Literacies and 21st Century Skills?

Podcast for the Digital Literacies and 21st Century Skills course at Adelphi University's Educational Technology program.