Political Coffee with Jeff Kropf

Political Coffee Klatch tonight 6pm, Sparky’s Brewing Co in Salem
Elections matter cause they affect your life: Can you trust the machines? Elon Musk says no: https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2024/06/17/elon-musk-attacks-electronic-voting-machines-as-he-wades-into-sensitive-indian-debate-anything-can-be-hacked/ 
DAS bureaucrats hiding data from SOS auditors about still malfunctioning state payroll system? https://www.portlandtribune.com/townnews/work/oregon-still-fixing-state-employee-payroll-system-after-problems-last-year/article_b8d48646-2a8f-11ef-9353-af44b95df79b.html 
Green new deal hurts you: PGE wants another rate increase: https://katu.com/news/katu-investigates/monday-night-katu-breaks-down-pge-rate-increase-proposal-and-energy-usage-data-oregon-public-utility-commission-december-2025 
Even Dems say West Coast states have gone horribly wrong cause of Dem leadership: https://www.foxnews.com/media/liberal-nyt-columnist-admits-something-gone-badly-wrong-west-coast-states-because-dem-leaders.amp 
OR Dem corruption investigation? A year later and nothing has happened? https://oregoncatalyst.com/78401-sen-bonham-happened-500k-democrat-campaign-investigation.html 
Chuck Norris new action movie at age 84: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/chuck-norris-defies-time-returns-movies-agent-recon/ 
Operation Ghost Catcher: 320,000 ghost voters in MI and how to fix it at the local level: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/320000-ghost-voters-identified-must-win-state-mi/ 

What is Political Coffee with Jeff Kropf?

A Long-time radio host with his own show as well as backing up as host for nationally syndicated broadcasts, Jeff is a fifth generation Oregon farmer, aviator, professional musician, former State Legislator, lobbyist, real estate developer, small business owner, firefighter, and served as an embedded broadcaster with Oregon National Guard in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Jeff is a former Oregon State Representative and fifth generation Oregon farmer from Sublimity, Oregon. Kropf served as Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee for two legislative sessions and served two sessions on the Transportation and Ways and Means subcommittees.

He also leads the state chapter of Americans for Prosperity.