Flix and a Six

Anthony strikes back!
Obviously you're only here for 20 questions at this point and Anthony stumped Gary & Al. Shameful. But beyond that, there's S3 casting news for "The Boys", intrigue around the Amazon-MGM deal, time traveling movie premieres, this week's Loki, and more. Please forgive us the technical difficulties... please

Show Notes

The Basics
  • FlickThe New Mutants
  • SixBoulevard Collaboration 7
  • HostsAnthony Costanzo & Alessandro Biolsi
  • PanelGary Gurecki

Tweet-length Reviews

I will give the New Mutants review as much care and thought as they gave the movie… meh 4/10 — Anthony

What a low bar to clear but… it's fine? I kinda liked it even though I didn't really follow some of the big picture stuff going on. 5.5/10 — Al


What is Flix and a Six?

Flix and a Six is podcast about movies and beer. Anthony and Al are cousins that love to grab a couple drinks and discuss films. They thought it would be fun to share it with you. This is the first podcast in a series of creative entertainment outlets produced by The Spinchoon.