Victoria Anarchist Bookfair: The Podcast

Kathy Ferguson is an US-American author, political philosopher, feminist, historian, anarchist, and professor of political science and women's studies at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. She has authored of one of the best critical biographies of renowned anarchist Emma Goldman: Emma Goldman: Political Thinking in the Streets.

Visit to learn about the 1000 women who helped build the anarchist movement during Emma Goldman’s life time.

What is Victoria Anarchist Bookfair: The Podcast?

Originally introduced in the summer of 2020, this podcast was produced as an alternative to the annual Anarchist Bookfair, which was not able to be held as a consequence of COVID-19's widespread curtailing of activities and gatherings. In this podcast, members of the Collective would interview speakers in various fields such emancipatory and anarchist politics including gender and intersectionality, indigenous resurgence and activism, anti-racism, environment, anarchist history, etc.