Student Podcast - Center for Student Media

Student Podcast - Center for Student Media Trailer Bonus Episode 15 Season 1

People of the Past - Episode 6 - Cleopatra


Hello and welcome to People of the Past, this episode We’ll be going over the last pharaoh of the second to last Hellenistic dynasty. Cleopatra, who gets an extremely bad reputation in the grand scheme of things because of her opposable and subsequent death to Augustus.

What is Student Podcast - Center for Student Media?

The students at Gulf Coast State College use the Digital Media Podcast room to record episodes tailored to their specific hobbies, academics, and student life. The Center for Student Media is the organization for student media on the campus of Gulf Coast State College. Tentatively, each episode will be published every Monday by 4:00 pm central.

The views and opinions of each individual podcast are created by the students on campus. Views expressed in each episode do not necessarily reflect those of Gulf Coast State College.