The Rubio Method

Let's talk about playing the kids, peace out under a buck, no way someone is this ignorant, focus on my choppers and this person might be more ignorant...

The Rundown w/ Rubio for Wednesday, April 10th, 2024

Everything Happens for a Reason
- Joey B and Kamala are coming out hot with cancelling more student debt. “Loans will be completely forgiven regardless of income, and even if you didn’t graduate.”

There are Winners and Losers in Life
- 99 Cent Only Stores are closing all 371 locations and laying off 14,000 employees citing inflation and shoplifiting. 

Accept and Embrace
- Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson said “It’s almost impossible to go near the sun but the moon is made up of mostly gases.” She is a former member of the Science Committee and Ranking Member of the Space and Aeronautics Committee.

Working Hard is Not Enough
- The University of Pittsburgh invited a male DEI direction who uses xe/xem and they/them pronouns and wears dresses, to give a training session on the importance of pronouns in Dentistry. 

Confidence is the Key
- Sunny Hostin of The View, said that the solar eclipse, the earthquake and that cicadas are coming are signs of climate change. 

What is The Rubio Method?

The Rubio Method is a show to keep you entertained and educated on current topics that range from sports to politics to pop culture. Guarantee you will laugh and learn through every episode.

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