Texas Family Law Insiders

Many of us dream of being a “lawyer on the beach…”

But today’s guest, Nikita Lamar, has made it her reality. 

Nikita, founder of Lamar Legal Group, PLLC, will share her unique journey from starting her legal career in Texas to maintaining her successful practice remotely from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. 

She’ll cover:
  • The mental and spiritual shift that inspired her to practice law abroad
  • Overcoming the challenges of a remote law practice
  • Key technologies and strategies for managing a law firm remotely
  • The impact of living abroad on personal growth and legal practice
  • Advice for young lawyers and thoughts on non-traditional law practice paths
  • And more

What is Texas Family Law Insiders?

The Texas Family Law Insiders podcast brings together top divorce and family law attorneys and other professionals to discuss issues related to divorce, family law, child custody, child support, paternity, parental rights, grandparents’ rights, adoptions, and family law appeals in Texas.