I Made It

I Made It Trailer Bonus Episode 1 Season 1

Building a dream brand, team, and online course with Joy Cho

Building a dream brand, team, and online course with Joy ChoBuilding a dream brand, team, and online course with Joy Cho


Joy Cho on how to grow your brand, solicit feedback from your audience, and manage the creative process as a maker or entrepreneur.

Show Notes

The right team can make or break a project, but when you’ve been flying solo for eight years, it’s hard to make the change. Discover how Joy Cho didn’t just make that change but taught others how to do the same with an online course -- and profited.

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Podia is an all-in-one platform where creators who sell online courses, digital downloads, and memberships find their tribe. If you’re looking to grow your own superstar squad, check out Joy’s online course, How to Grow a Dream Team.

What is I Made It?

A podcast for creators who get things done.