Victory Church: Paul Daugherty

In this season of giving thanks, Pastor Paul spoke a timely word on the importance of praise. When dealing with the problems and pitfalls of life, the key to overcome is praising our way forward. The enemy uses many things to hold back our praise, but Scripture gives us clear instructions on maintaining thanksgiving. 

In the book of Daniel, a powerful king is cast into the wilderness by God because of his prideful attitude. We become like beasts when we refuse to praise the Lord until we repent in humility.

The only life worth living is one full of praise, remembering daily the goodness of God. A prideful heart is beastly, but a thankful heart is beautiful.

A book on winning the battle for your mental and emotional health by Paul Daugherty.

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What is Victory Church: Paul Daugherty?

Welcome to the weekly podcast of Victory, with messages from Pastor Paul Daugherty. Victory is a vibrant & diverse church in Tulsa, OK that is touching tens of thousands of lives every week locally and globally with God’s love! To find out more visit