The Lesley Riddoch Podcast

The Lesley Riddoch Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 677 Season 1

Matters constitutional

Matters constitutionalMatters constitutional


The UK Cabinet reshuffle,Mike Russell's interim Scottish constitution, the Holyrood protest ban,the Nordic's go left,where is the SNP's visionary challenge,and Gordon Brown's latest save the Union plan.

Show Notes

It's been all go at number 10 with Boris Johnson rearranging the chairs around the Cabinet table. What do his new appointments tell us about his direction of travel,the internal Tory Party power struggle, "muscular unionism".
Is it all about a General Election in 2023 with its impact on Indyref2?
There's a growing sense that the SNP leadership just doesn't trust the Scottish people when it comes to political activism and involvement. We examine the decision to criminalise gatherings outside Holyrood and the proposal to hand over the drafting of an interim constitution not to a Citizen's Assembly but to a hand picked group of Yes supporters.
Norway has made a dramatic swing back to the left and if Iceland does the same next Saturday all of our Nordic neighbours will have left leaning governments,not so as you'd notice from the coverage(lack of) in the UK media.
However,Gordon Brown has been getting plenty of media attention with the recent poll carried out by his merry band of "progressive unionists",Our Scottish Future. We take a look at what Brown's claims are and if they actually stack up on closer examination.
All this plus Lesley's thoughts on the SNP and Alba conferences.

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What is The Lesley Riddoch Podcast?

Scottish politics dissected from a left, pro-independence stance. Each week, award-winning broadcaster and journalist, Lesley Riddoch chews over the week’s news with former media lecturer and Dundee United fan, Pat Joyce. If you like intelligent, quirky chat about Scottish society and culture, and Scottish, UK and international politics analysed from a Scottish perspective; this podcast is for you.