Miranda Warnings

This week’s guest is New York’s Secretary of State Rossana Rosado, who joins the show to talk about the 2020 Census; why its so important it is for New Yorkers to fill it out and how plans for door-to-door census takers have changed due to the COVID-19. Secretary Rosado also dispels some common misnomers about the Census and gives tips on how New Yorkers can identify scam attempts.

Fill out the Census at https://my2020census.gov/

Show Notes

This week’s guest is New York’s Secretary of State Rossana Rosado, who joins the show to talk about the 2020 Census; why its so important it is for New Yorkers to fill it out and how plans for door-to-door census takers have changed due to the COVID-19. Secretary Rosado also dispels some common misnomers about the Census and gives tips on how New Yorkers can identify scam attempts.

Fill out the Census at https://my2020census.gov/

What is Miranda Warnings?

Join NYSBA’s 118th President David Miranda each week as he interviews some of the biggest names in law and politics. Each week he discusses all things legal – and some that are not. You have the right to remain listening.