Dice Fiends

Dice Fiends Trailer Bonus Episode 2 Season 13

Dadquest Episode 1: Schism

Dadquest Episode 1: SchismDadquest Episode 1: Schism

At the end of Wondercon, a weeklong ride through hell, Charlie lost both Karl and Anders to the Reactor explosion. In the following months she searched far and wide for a way to get them back and ended up with a coin that would get her in to the underworld, but with no way to find the entrance she came back home and ended up settling down with Sarah right outside of Mybern. Things would remain relatively calm until one day in 2040 when a young woman named Alice with an unknown connection to Sarah and advanced cybernetics showed up at their doorstep and promptly got adopted by the two. This led to Charlie meeting Andrew Starr, a cowboy hero known as Revenant who had died and come back to life as part of a family curse and was able to find an entrance to the Underworld. It is now April 22nd, 2041: Though she has no idea where Karl is, Charlie knows Anders is in the underworld and is ready to go and get him back
This is Dadquest.

Thanks to @KeylligraphyInk for the logo design.  The track used in this episode is Enemy Spotted by Jess who you can find on twitter @ oneshotminiboss

Eidolon: Become Your Best Self 1st edition is by Luke Varner and Molly Rhinebeck, you can find the book here

Find Us Online:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/dicefiends
Discord: https://discord.gg/j54Frbh
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/thedicefiends
Cast and Crew:
GM: Chell
Andrew: Shannon
Charlie: Jess
Anders: Matt

 About Us: Welcome to Dice Fiends, we are an actual play podcast that runs games in over a dozen systems with a rotating and diverse cast of players. But one thing’s for certain: whether we’re powered by the apocalypse or grabbing as many d6’s as we can hold in shadowrun: We’re fiends for the sounds of rolling dice. You can find us every other Wednesday on Itunes, Spotify, or wherever you get good podcasts. 

What is Dice Fiends?

Dice Fiends is an actual play podcast featuring a wonderful cast of chuckle-friends. Our story is similar to many: in an attempt to have fun one late Saturday evening, 6 strangers came together for a one-shot, but had so much fun that we extended that one-shot into a two-shot… and then a three-shot… and then we turned it into a whole campaign!

Since then, we've expanded beyond Dungeons and Dragons and to other games systems for one shots such as Hardwired Island or Shadowrun Anarchy and we hope to branch out ever further. But one thing's for sure, whether we're diving into dungeons or trying not to get geeked on the mean streets of Seattle: we're fiends for the sound of rolling dice.