FamilyLife Canada Parenting Conference (2023)

我們所在的文化不斷影響著我們的信念和價值觀。現代的教育強調「讓孩子贏在起跑線上」,這將引領他們走向成功的人生。所以許多父母從小便催促孩子要擁有優秀的成績, 能夠成為坊間俗稱的「五星星狀元」。父母下意識地也把孩子的成績單當作他們自己的成績單,你是否每天都在擔心孩子的成績呢?本研討會將提供一個「五星星」親子關係的路線圖,從育兒的最終目的為起點,幫助父母明白什麼才是孩子真正的起跑線,從而引導他們走在上帝的道路上,到老也不偏離。

Presented by Edmund & Angela Lau, FamilyLife Canada

Please send the FamilyLife Team your questions and prayer requests:

What is FamilyLife Canada Parenting Conference (2023)?

Our team has been listening to parents across the country… to your struggles and concerns, to the questions you need answers to as you’re trying to navigate the cultural currents around you. And we think we can help. The FamilyLife Canada Parenting Conference is happening April 14th to 23rd, with 10 Workshops on 10 Crucial Parenting Questions. It’ll be 10 Days of Free Streaming while you learn from some of the best educators in the field!

Please email us your questions or prayer requests at

Enjoy the Learning!