Brown Liquor and Bad Ideas

Community college 2 year free Tuition. State Educational programs 10 Year investment -- Do the Math!
Cousins, on this element of the plan, let's get it done.

Show Notes

Cousins, on this element of the plan, let's get it done.

Community college 2 year free Tuition
Community colleges – Textbooks, etc.
State Educational programs 10 Year investment --  Do the Math!
“Community colleges offer associate's degrees, prepare students for transfer to four-year institutions, provide opportunities for lifelong learning, and train the workforce that sustains California’s economy.
Nursing – Life Changing
Child Care
Become engaged cousins, take Political Action – What do we need to do, 4 phone numbers – Governor, 2 Senators & Representative – Speed dial or text
Tell them that you want it.


What is Brown Liquor and Bad Ideas?

Meet Cousin Cornell Wright, the People's Lobbyist while he downs a bit of his favorite brown liquor and shares with his thoughts about life and other bad ideas.

Vocals by: Travaulya Wallace