There are risks associated with investing in real estate where the neighborhood you're investing in declines in value, rents or overall quality or desirability.
Warning - Risks of Neighborhood Decline When Investing in Real Estate
Everything in life has risks. Not investing adds certain types of risks, while investing adds other risks.
One risk that some real estate investors face is the possibility that the neighborhood they're investing in will decline, causing values and/or rents to drop.
So, how do we prevent this, and what can we do about it if it happens to us?
In this mini-class addressing the dangers and risks of investing in real estate, James discusses the risk of a decline in the neighborhood you're investing in and what to do to mitigate the risk and address it should it happen.
In this class, James discusses:
Learn all about investing in real estate in Tucson, Arizona with a combination of real estate financial planning and modeling with numbers specific to Tucson plus syndicated, more generalized recordings of live and pre-recorded real estate investing classes (not all specific to Tucson).