The Lucas Skrobot Show

Mohammed Kazim is a gifted Emirati who is a master at extrapolating meaning from ancient Arab culture and applying it in a contextual way within the culture of our day and age.  

 Mohammed travels the Arabian Peninsula, exploring the rich heritage of lost villages and tribes in Saudi Arabia . . . all for the purpose of reconnecting the neo-Arab-generation with their cultural heritage in a meaningful way.

Show Notes

Mohammed Kazim is a gifted Emirati who is a master at extrapolating meaning from ancient Arab culture and applying it in a contextual way within the culture of our day and age.  

 Mohammed travels the Arabian Peninsula, exploring the rich heritage of lost villages and tribes in Saudi Arabia . . . all for the purpose of reconnecting the neo-Arab-generation with their cultural heritage in a meaningful way.

As Mohammed will tell you . . . art, fashion, and creativity is all about the context of which you are communicating in, and if we can understand the context of the past . . . we can gain insight and apply power principles to shape the future for a better tomorrow for ourselves, our children, and all those who come after us. 

Mohammed is one of three founders of Tamashee, a Dubai-based Arabian Gulf footwear brand with social values. Tamashee focuses on preserving Identity, representing culture, and coloring lives. Visit to learn more.

Also Follow Tamashee, Mohammed and their team on Instagram.

Also here is the article referenced from Gulf News on the negative impact of domestic helpers


And as always. . . you can find me on Instagram and at my website

Thank you for you time and attention.

Most of all, that you for owning your story, and owning your future.

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What is The Lucas Skrobot Show?

Tired of being gaslit by progressive media?

Wanna fight back against deceptive narratives being pushed across the globe?

At the Lucas Skrobot show we tear down cultural & geopolitical events giving you the context you need to expose the worldviews driving the cultural agendas of our day.

Ultimately connecting back to why it matters to your world, and how to order our lives and society to own the future.

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