How Story Works

NOTE: A mistake was made in the original posting of this episode; this is the correct audio file. My apologies!

Lani talks about the progress she made--and didn’t make--on her writing retreat to New York, shares the Year of Writing Magically writing schedule, and talks about the emotional work writers must do to prepare for a long-form fiction project.

Show notes:
How Story Works is a Chipperish Media production by Lani Diane Rich, and is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Sharealike license.

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What is How Story Works?

How Story Works is a podcast for everyone who loves stories. If you’re a writer, understanding how story works will help you craft better stories. If you’re a lover of stories, the podcast will give you added insight into your favorite tales, and extend the toolset you use to better understand the stories you love. Join NYT bestselling author and story expert Lani Diane Rich as she demystifies stories and storytelling, allowing you to better write and appreciate the stories you love.