Hospitals In Focus

In this episode:
  • What are the prospects of McCarthy Speakership? Functionality of Washington with divided government?   
  • Comparing similarities/differences between the House in the late 1990s and now.  
  • Discuss Speaker Gingrich’s experience leading a Republican House and how he dealt with health care while balancing the budget and attempting to reform entitlements.  
  • Speaker Gingrich’s outlines his vision for the future of American health care.  
  • How hospitals can prioritize preventative care and aging. 
  • The role hospitals play for the future of health.  
  • What policymakers can do to support and elevate health care innovation. 
There are very few people who know more about the House, navigating divided government or developing major budget legislation than former Speaker Newt Gingrich. Chip has known Gingrich for more than 50 years and in this episode, the Speaker shares his perspective and provides deep insight into the current  House majority and looming policy debates – especially when it comes to health care.

Creators & Guests

Chip Kahn
Laura Krebs
Reese Clutter

What is Hospitals In Focus?

A podcast hosted by FAH’s Chip Kahn that shines a light on everything hospitals; from the advancements in patient care to how a hospital benefits its community.