Web3 Tech Brief By HackerNoon

This story was originally published on HackerNoon at: https://hackernoon.com/the-crypto-lobby-seeks-to-influence-us-politics-a-peek-at-their-smear-campaign-and-false-narrative.
The fact that an industry such as crypto, built on Ponzi schemes and useless tech, is allowed to wield any political influence is a major cause for concern
Check more stories related to web3 at: https://hackernoon.com/c/web3. You can also check exclusive content about #bitcoin, #crypto, #politics, #us-election, #crypto-and-us-politics, #donald-trump-opinion-on-btc, #crypto-in-the-us, #crypto-politics, and more.

This story was written by: @jakedonoghue. Learn more about this writer by checking @jakedonoghue's about page, and for more stories, please visit hackernoon.com.

Coinbase, the largest US crypto exchange, is the biggest contributor to Fairshake’s war chest, with $46.5 million in donations. In 2023, the industry behemoth hired market research firm Morning Consult to find out how many Americans own cryptocurrencies. As soon as the results came in,Coinbase sprang into action, launching a major campaign to “mobilize 52 million crypto owners into an army of one million advocates for change”

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